14th scientific expedition in Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts

14th scientific expedition in Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts

14. zinātniskā ekspedīcija Balvu, Dagdas un Krāslavas rajonā 1960. gadā.

2. aploksnē Zaiga Burnicka pierakstījusi horeogrāfijas materiālus, 3. aploksnē Jadviga Darbiniece pierakstījusi horeogrāfijas materiālus, savukārt Harija Sūnas materiāli (12. aploksne) ir zuduši.

40% Complete
2% Complete
51% Complete
Паказаны запісы 1-20 з 387.
Sīktēls№ адзінкіНазваКатэгорыі 
430Puišam to leita laikā ir atpyuta, a meitai nikod da rogonu.proverb
432Ka dūd, to ņem, ka siss, to bēdz.proverb
433Naickar kotla, kotls nikod naaickars.proverb
434Apceļ kai maizis kukuli.proverb
436Vādars kūrc kai varžu būde.proverb
501Uobeļs nu uobeņeicys tuoli nakreit.proverb
502Kū siesi, tū pļausi.proverb
506Kumeliņifolksong, 9 or more lines
Game or dance
game with song
507KadriļasGame or dance
507aDāmu polkaGame or dance
507bPolkasGame or dance
508KručenkaGame or dance
509Kumeliņifolksong, 9 or more lines
Game or dance
game with song
510Caur sidraba birzi gājuGame or dance
game with song
511aKumeliņiGame or dance
game with song
511bCaur sidraba birzi gājuGame or dance
game with song
512Leona Beinaroviča dejošanas pieredzeGame or dance
game with song
513VečerinkaGame or dance
514SuprātiGame or dance
515AčkupsGame or dance
Паказаны запісы 1-20 з 387.
Паказаны запісы 1-20 з 126.
Landscape of LatgaleAttēls196000011960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava district, 5 July till 2 August, 1960. A Latgale landscape.
Landscape of LatgaleAttēls196000021960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava district, 5 July till 2 August, 1960. A Latgale landscape.
Landscape of LatgaleAttēls196000031960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava district, 5 July till 2 August, 1960. A Latgale landscape.
Landscape of LatgaleAttēls196000041960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava district, 5 July till 2 August, 1960. A Latgale landscape.
The folklore informant Marciana KindzuleAttēls196000051960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Marciana Kindzule
Student Maija Rudzīte and folklore informant Marciana KindzuleAttēls196000061960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. Student of the Latvia State University Maija Rudzīte recording texts from folklore informant Marciana Kindzule.
Student Maija Rudzīte and folklore informant Marciana KindzuleAttēls196000071960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. Student of the Latvia State University Maija Rudzīte recording texts from folklore informant Marciana Kindzule.
Student Skaidrīte Rimša and folklore informant Anna BodnieceAttēls196000081960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. Student of the Latvia State University Skaidrīte Rimša (Lasmane) recording texts from folklore informant Anna Bodniece.
The folklore informant Anna BodnieceAttēls196000091960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Anna Bodniece.
The folklore informant Broņislava RomanovskaAttēls196000101960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Broņislava Romanovska. On the right: student I. Bernāne.
The folklore informant Broņislava RomanovskaAttēls196000111960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Broņislava Romanovska.
Visiting folklore informant Broņislava RomanovskaAttēls196000121960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The texts of the songs sung by folklore informant Broņislava Romanovska written down by student I. Bernāne, melodies - by student of the State Conservatoire Vilnis Salaks.
The folklore informant Veronika Bogdana and folklorist Renāte Tavare in IzvaltaAttēls196000131960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Veronika Bogdane (left) and folklorist Renāte Tavare.
The folklore informant Veronika Bogdana and folklorist Renāte Tavare in IzvaltaAttēls196000141960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. Student of the Latvia State University Renāte Tavare writing down folklore from informant Veronika Bogdane.
The folklore informant Veronika BogdanaAttēls196000151960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Veronika Bogdane.
The folklore informant Aneļa Suveizda and folklorist Renāte TavareAttēls196000161960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. Student of the Latvia State University Renāte Tavare writing down folklore from informant Aneļa Suveizda.
The folklore informant Aneļa SuveizdaAttēls196000171960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Aneļa Suveizda.
The folklore informant Anna SuveizdaAttēls196000181960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Anna Suveizda.
The folklore informant Anna Suveizda and folklorist Renāte TavareAttēls196000191960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. Student of the Latvia State University Renāte Tavare writing down folklore from informant Anna Suveizda.
Expedition in Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districtAttēls196000201960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts.
Паказаны запісы 1-20 з 126.
Паказаны запісы 1-20 з 89.
Vienības Nr.ГодМедыяТыпНазва 
1950, 71871960AudioLenteSadzīduosim mēs, muoseņas
1950, 74371960AudioLenteUz kareņu as īdams
1950, 77241960AudioLenteVar pazeiti šū puiseiti
1950, 73021960AudioLenteEs uzaugu pī māmeņas
1950, 94281960AudioLenteOi, Laimeni, muomuleni
1950, 74451960AudioLenteStuov gūteņa ar aiteni
1950, 74441960AudioLenteKiukoj zalta dzagiuzeite
1950, 71851960AudioLentePa kam var pazeit aveikšu kriumu
1950, 77551960AudioLenteKopsātā pī muomuleņas
1950, 72341960AudioLenteJuoneits sēdi kalneņā, leigū
1950, 94291960AudioLenteMēs bejuomi div' muoseņas
1950, 77571960AudioLenteLeigoj pologs uz iudeņa
1950, 94301960AudioLenteKlusit, bārni, vuorna krāc
1950, 94311960AudioLenteSkaisti putneni dzīduoja
1950, 94321960AudioLenteEime, eime mēs, muosenis
1950, 94331960AudioLenteVoi, Dīveni, griut dzeivuoti
1950, 94341960AudioLenteKam, māmeņa, audzynuoji
1950, 94351960AudioLenteZīdi, zīdi, lynu dryva
1950, 94361960AudioLenteŪsi, ūsi, kad lapuosi (lopu bolss)
1950, 94371960AudioLenteAiz upeitys meitys dzīd(i) (tolku bolss)
Паказаны запісы 1-20 з 89.
Паказаны запісы 1-20 з 2,986.
МініятураТыпAploksneFaila numursМовыРасшыфроўкаMetadatiМузычныя ноты 
Паказаны запісы 1-20 з 2,986.

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#1 Anna Putāne (439512)
#2 Kristīne Po (172093)
#3 Magdalina (128343)
#4 Regīna Krastiņa (34783)
#5 Ilze Amanda Zakrevska (25562)
#6 Silvija (13247)
#7 LigaB (10325)
#8 Linda_Pavlovska (8391)
#9 Indra Mētra (4050)
#10 Kirmis (3579)
#11 lcalmane (3546)
#12 KValda (3350)
#13 Liepav (2962)
#14 Elvīra Žvarte (2199)
#15 Zanda Laura Šķiņķe (1991)
#16 Marija (1832)
#17 Ance Griķe (1812)
#18 Krišs Gr (1808)
#19 IevaKronkalne (1793)
#20 Jgrandane (1763)

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