Sīktēls | Нумар | Сховішча | Iestāde | Мовы | Год | @@@@ | Кароткае апісанне | Даслаў | Файлы | Progress | |
2250 | LFK | lv | The Interviews of The Archives of Latvian Folklore | The collection contains interviews conducted by the Archives of Latvian Folklore with the staff of the Archives of Latvian Folklore, the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art and other personalities in the field of humanities and social sciences. | 150 | ||||||
2159 | LFK | lv | Dwindling pictures | Fotogrāfiju kolekcija, kuru veido attēli ar īpašu kultūrvēsturisku nozīmi. To kopijas Latviešu folkloras krātuvei devuši Latvijas kultūrvēsturē nozīmīgu personību radinieki – Friča un Jāņa Apsalonu, Jāņa Alberta Jansona un citi. Fotogrāfijas iesniegusi arī Rūta Augstkalne, Kristīne Konrāde, Vaida Villeruša un Margrieta Lagzdiņa. | 175 | ||||||
1168 | LFK | lv | Collection of Jānis Bičolis | LFK collection [1168] is literary researcher, folklorist, and linguist Jānis Valdemārs Bičolis (1927-1931) folklore collection. J. Bičolis submitted his folklore collection in 1930 and 1931 in four notebooks containing 2025 folklore items. | Jānis Bičolis | 64 |