14th scientific expedition in Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts

14th scientific expedition in Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts

14. zinātniskā ekspedīcija Balvu, Dagdas un Krāslavas rajonā 1960. gadā.

2. aploksnē Zaiga Burnicka pierakstījusi horeogrāfijas materiālus, 3. aploksnē Jadviga Darbiniece pierakstījusi horeogrāfijas materiālus, savukārt Harija Sūnas materiāli (12. aploksne) ir zuduši.

44% Complete
2% Complete
47% Complete
Näitan 233 üksusest 1-20.
SīktēlsÜhiku numberNimetusKategooriad 
430Puišam to leita laikā ir atpyuta, a meitai nikod da rogonu.proverb
432Ka dūd, to ņem, ka siss, to bēdz.proverb
433Naickar kotla, kotls nikod naaickars.proverb
434Apceļ kai maizis kukuli.proverb
436Vādars kūrc kai varžu būde.proverb
501Uobeļs nu uobeņeicys tuoli nakreit.proverb
502Kū siesi, tū pļausi.proverb
874Grīžas ta grīžas.proverb
1271Zyls kai vuornys pavēders.proverb
1272Runoj kai guļ.proverb
1274Kū peļneisim tū sajimsi.proverb
1275Kaids dorbs, taida olga.proverb
1276Uobuļs nu uobēļis tuoli nakreit.proverb
1277Na vysa bāda, ka rudzūs zuoļa; a, ka ni rudzu, ni zuolis, vot i div bādys.proverb
1278Mozi bārni, mozys bādis, leli bārni,- lelys bādys.proverb
1279Leli sapņi, lelys bādys, mozi sapņi, mozys bādys.proverb
1280Īt kai nadzeivs.proverb
1281Skrīn kā luocss.proverb
1282Stuov kā bibāklys.proverb
1313Durakam palikt - nailgam, a vot gudram - nadreiž.proverb
Näitan 233 üksusest 1-20.
Näitan 126 üksusest 61-80.
The folklore informant Tekla DzetlaAttēls196000611960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Tekla Dzelta switching from songs to folktales. "It happened in the days of yore, when the devil walked on the face of the earth..."
The folklore informant Anna UtāneAttēls196000621960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Anna Utāne.
Student Romualds Jermaks with a folklore informant Anna UtāneAttēls196000631960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. Student of the Latvia State Conservatoire Romualds Jermaks recording songs from the folklore informant Anna Utāne.
The folklore informant Juzefa PauliņaAttēls196000641960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Juzefa Pauliņa.
Folk singer Juzefa Pauliņa and student Romualds JermaksAttēls196000651960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. Student of the Latvia State Conservatoire Romualds Jermaks recording songs from the folklore informant Juzefa Pauliņa.
Folklorist Jāzeps Rudzītis with folklore informantsAttēls196000661960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. Folklorist Jāzeps Rudzītis recording the song texts of the Auleja singers. From left: 3. Domicella Dzalba, 4. Jāzeps Rudzītis, 5. Vilhelmīne Dzalba.
Auleja ethnographic groupAttēls196000671960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts.The Auleja singers. First from left: Domicella Dzalba; first from right: Vilhelmīne Dzalba.
Folklorist Andrejs Krūmiņš and folklore informant Domicela DzalbaAttēls196000681960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts.The senior lecturer of the Latvia State Conservatoire Andrejs Krūmiņš recording the melodies of the folklore informant Domicella Dzalba.
The folklore informant Vilhelmīne Dzalba and folklorist Mirdza BerzinskaAttēls196000691960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts.The texts of the folklore informant Domicella Dzalba being recorded by folklorist Mirdza Berzinska.
The folklore informant Tekla KaļinovskaAttēls196000701960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Tekla Kaļinovska.
The folklore informant Veneranda KaļinovskaAttēls196000711960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Veneranda Kaļinovska (daughter of Tekla Kaļinovska).
Visit to the folklore informants Tekla and Veneranda KaļinovskaAttēls196000721960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts.The senior lecturer of the Latvia State Conservatoire Andrejs Krūmiņš and student Vilnis Salaks recording on tape the songs of the folklore informants Tekla and Veneranda Kaļinovska.
Visit to the folklore informants Tekla and Veneranda KaļinovskaAttēls196000731960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts.The senior lecturer of the Latvia State Conservatoire Andrejs Krūmiņš and student Vilnis Salaks recording on tape the songs of the folklore informants Tekla and Veneranda Kaļinovska.
J. Ozols - grandson of folk informant Aleksejs RubinsAttēls196000741960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. J. Ozols (grandson of folk informant Aleksejs Rubins) listening to the enchanting stories of his grandfather.
Aleksejs Rubins and student Elizabete VutnāneAttēls196000751960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. Folklore informant Aleksejs Rubins and student Elizabete Vutnāne.
J. Ozols, his grandfather Aleksejs Rubins and student Elizabete VutnāneAttēls196000761960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folktales of Aleksejs Rubins and his grandson J. Ozols are recorded by student Elizabete Vutnāne.
The folklore informant Aleksejs RubinsAttēls196000771960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Aleksejs Rubins.
Folklore informant Aleksejs Rubins and student Elizabete VutnāneAttēls196000781960The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. Folklore informant Aleksejs Rubins and student Elizabete Vutnāne.
Director of the Institute of Language and LIterature Ēvalds Sokols giving a presentationAttēls196000791960The 14th folklorist visiting scholarly session in Balvi, 31 July, 1960. The director of the Institute of Language and LIterature Ēvalds Sokols giving a presentation.
Folklorist Ojārs AmbainisAttēls196000801960The 14th folklorist visiting scholarly session in Balvi, 31 July, 1960. The Head of the expedition Ojārs Ambainis presenting the results.
Näitan 126 üksusest 61-80.
Näitan 89 üksusest 1-20.
Vienības Nr.AastaMeediumTüüpNimetus 
1950, 92811960AudioLentePuortecēju Daugaveni
1950, 92801960AudioLenteAs īdama nūsavēru
1950, 92841960AudioLenteEs meiteņa gonūs guoju
1950, 92851960AudioLenteCeļūs as svādiņ reitā agri
1950, 92821960AudioLenteMan' māmeņa tyvu deva
1950, 92871960AudioLenteSkaistuoks i Pīters
1950, 92861960AudioLenteŠe, Anneņa, šurp braukdama (apdziedāšana)
1950, 92841960AudioLenteKur, prīdeite, viersi tovi
1950, 92831960AudioLenteSaskrāja zūstenis
1950, 92931960AudioLenteRūtoj saule, rūtoj bite
1950, 92891960AudioLenteKur tu teci, duru pele, kalado
1950, 92881960AudioLenteAijā žūžū, luoča bārni
1950, 92901960AudioLenteMozi bārni, moza bāda
1950, 92901960AudioLenteSīneņu guoju kosdama
1950, 92921960AudioLenteSīneņu guoju kosdama
19501960AudioLenteSveicynuojam, vēlējam jums lobu laimi
1950, 74361960AudioLenteSit, Juoneiti, vara bungas, leigū
1950, 94271960AudioLenteLatvīt, kai nava tev žāli
1950, 72361960AudioLenteAizalaida man sauleite
1950, 77131960AudioLenteSēju rūtu, sēju mātru
Näitan 89 üksusest 1-20.
Näitan 2,986 üksusest 1-20.
PisipiltTüüpKaustFaila numursKeeledTekstistusMetadatiNoodid 
Näitan 2,986 üksusest 1-20.

Kartes leģenda


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Pie šīs kolekcijas atšifrēšanas strādājuši:

Näitan 81 üksusest 1-20.
#1 Anna Putāne (432658)
#2 Kristīne Po (172092)
#3 Magdalina (128343)
#4 Regīna Krastiņa (34783)
#5 Ilze Amanda Zakrevska (25562)
#6 Silvija (13255)
#7 LigaB (10325)
#8 Linda_Pavlovska (8391)
#9 Indra Mētra (4050)
#10 Kirmis (3579)
#11 lcalmane (3546)
#12 KValda (3350)
#13 Liepav (2962)
#14 Elvīra Žvarte (2199)
#15 Zanda Laura Šķiņķe (1991)
#16 Marija (1832)
#17 Ance Griķe (1812)
#18 IevaKronkalne (1793)
#19 Jgrandane (1763)
#20 pengerots (1668)

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