21st scientific expedition in Dole and Valka district

21st scientific expedition in Dole and Valka district

21. zinātniskajā ekspedīcijā Dolē un Valkas rajonā 1967. gadā pierakstītie materiāli.

45% Complete
13% Complete
25% Complete
Näitan 244 üksusest 1-20.
SīktēlsÜhiku numberNimetusKategooriad 
1386Raganas akmensMitoloģiskā teika
toponym or anthroponym
Ragana - pārdabiska būtne
Raganu akmens
Night witches lead people astray
Night witch activity time – night
Abode of night witches – swamp
Abode of night witches – stone
A3.2.9. Nakts raganas vārds – Mādžīna
1462Mādžīnas purvsMitoloģiskā teika
toponym or anthroponym
Preilene (nakts ragana)
Night witches dance
Night witches lead people astray
Night witch activity time - evening
Night witch activity time – night
Abode of night witches – swamp
Abode of night witches – stone
Night witches have white clothes
A3.5.1.7. Nakts raganu aktivitātes laiks – rīts
A3.2.9. Nakts raganas vārds – Mādžīna
1653Mādžīnas purvsMitoloģiskā teika
toponym or anthroponym
Night witches lead people astray
Night witch activity time - evening
Night witch activity time – night
Abode of night witches – swamp
Abode of night witches – stone
A3.5.1.9. Nakts raganu aktivitātes laiks – diena
A3.2.9. Nakts raganas vārds – Mādžīna
1725Mādžīnas purvsMitoloģiskā teika
toponym or anthroponym
Night witches dance
Night witch activity time - mid-day
Abode of night witches – swamp
Abode of night witches – stone
Night witches have white clothes
Number of night witches - three
A3.2.9. Nakts raganas vārds – Mādžīna
1930Raganas krogsMitoloģiskā teika
toponym or anthroponym
2054SpīganaMitoloģiskā teika
toponym or anthroponym
2131SpīganaMitoloģiskā teika
toponym or anthroponym
Iet spīganās
2132SpīganaMitoloģiskā teika
toponym or anthroponym
2135Spīgana pārvēršas par cūkuMitoloģiskā teika
toponym or anthroponym
2188Ragana pārvēršas par mušuMitoloģiskā teika
toponym or anthroponym
Ragana - cilvēks ar pārdabiskām spējām
2248Ragana pārvēršas par dakšāmMitoloģiskā teika
Witch is a female
Witch - mistress
Witch in the form of hayfork
Witches bewitch cows
Aizsarglīdzekļi vai pretburvestība izraisa raganas nāvi
Pret raganu aizsargājas, salaužot priekšmetu, par kuru tā pārvērtusies
B 101/1. Pārplēstā ragana
2259Burves nešļavaMitoloģiskā teika
toponym or anthroponym
2270SpīganaMitoloģiskā teika
2422Burve maitā pienuMitoloģiskā teika
Burt, burties
Burve (-is) 'ragana'
2497Raganas velējasMitoloģiskā teika
Ragana - pārdabiska būtne
Raganu kalns
Night witches beat laundry
Night witch activity time - mid-day
Abode of night witches – hill
Abode of night witches – forest
Näitan 244 üksusest 1-20.
Näitan 163 üksusest 1-20.
Folklorists before leaving for the expeditionAttēls196700011967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. In front of the building of the Academy, leaving for expedition. In front, from the left: 1. Anastasija Isajeva, 2. Ruta Skudra, 4. Maija Kurme, 5. Mirdza Berzinska; behind: 1. Elza Kokare, 3. Elza Knope, 4. Antonija Siliņa, 5. Andrejs Krūmiņš, 7. Jānis Rozenbergs, 8. Vilma Greble, further back, from the right: 1. Jēkabs Vītoliņš, 2. Kārlis Arājs, 5. Alma Ancelāne, 6. Renāte Tavare.
Folklorists before leaving for the expeditionAttēls196700021967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. In front of the building of the Academy, leaving for expedition. From the left: 1st row: 1. Elza Kokare, 2. Jadviga Darbiniece, 5. Ruta Skudra, 6. Andrejs Krūmiņš, 8. Maija Kurme; 2nd row: 1. Antonija Siliņa, 3. Vanda Kalnciema, 5. Vilma Greble, 6. Mirdza Berzinska; 3rd row: 2. Elza Knope, 4. Renāte Tavare, 5. Alma Ancelāne, 6. Jēkabs Vītoliņš; in the back: 1. Ojārs Ambainis, 3. Kārlis Arājs, 5. Jānis Rozenbergs, 6. Jāzeps Rudzītis.
Folklorists before leaving for the expeditionAttēls196700041967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. In front of the building of the Academy, leaving for expedition. From the left: 1. Elza Kokare, 2. Renāte Tavare, 3. Elza Knope, 4. Vilma Greble, (5. Andrejs Krūmiņš), 7. Jānis Rozenbergs, 8. Jēkabs Vītoliņš, 10. Ruta Skudra, 11. Kārlis Arājs.
Valka Secondary School No. 2.Attēls196700051967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. View of the Valka Secondary School No.2.
Memorial plaques in ValkaAttēls196700061967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. Memorial plaques in Valka.
Valka Secondary School No. 1Attēls196700071967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. View of the Valka Secondary School No. 1.
Valka Culture HouseAttēls196700081967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. View of the Valka Culture House.
Plaque on the wall of the Teacher seminar buildingAttēls196700091967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. Plaque on the wall of the Teacher seminar building. For several decades the director of the seminar was Jānis Cimze (1814-1881).
The building of the former Teacher seminar in ValkaAttēls196700101967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. The view of the building of the former Teacher seminar in Valka. For several decades the director of the seminar was Jānis Cimze (1814-1881).
The building of the former Teacher seminar in ValkaAttēls196700111967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. The view of the building of the former Teacher seminar in Valka. For several decades the director of the seminar was Jānis Cimze (1814-1881).
The grave of the head of the Vidzeme Teacher Seminar Jānis CimzeAttēls196700121967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. The gravestone of Jānis Cimze (1814-1881) in Lugaži cemetery.
The building of the former Teacher seminar in ValkaAttēls196700131967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. The view of the building of the former Teacher seminar in Valka. For several decades the director of the seminar was Jānis Cimze (1814-1881).
Ērģeme Primary SchoolAttēls196700141967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. The Primary (7-year) School of Ērģeme.
Ērģeme Primary SchoolAttēls196700151967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. The indoors view of the Primary (7-year) School of Ērģeme.
Ērģeme Primary SchoolAttēls196700161967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. The Primary (7-year) School of Ērģeme.
Ērģeme Primary SchoolAttēls196700171967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. The Primary (7-year) School of Ērģeme.
Ērģeme Primary SchoolAttēls196700181967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. The Primary (7-year) School of Ērģeme.
Ruins of Ērģeme castleAttēls196700191967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. The ruins of Ērģeme castle.
Folklorist Jānis Rozenbergs with folklore informantsAttēls196700201967The 21st scholarly expedition of the folklorists of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Institute of language and Literature to Valka district in 1967. Folklorist Jānis Rozenbergs working.
Expedition participants in ĒrģemeAttēls19670021196721. zinātniskā ekspedīcija Dolē un Valkas rajonā. No labās - folklorists Jānis Rozenbergs un folkloriste Mirdza Berzinska.
Näitan 163 üksusest 1-20.
Näitan 75 üksusest 1-20.
Vienības Nr.AastaMeediumTüüpNimetus 
19801967AudioLenteSēju lielu rožu lauku
1980, 20541967AudioLenteTeika par spīganu
1980, 28431967AudioLenteKoši dzied zelta zīle Rīgas torņa galiņā
1980, 18311967AudioLenteKur, Donati, Vaļi lyki, pyrmū sīvu nūdauzieji
1980, 18301967AudioLenteMan bej vaca veira muote (kāzu apdziedāšanās dziesma)
1980, 18291967AudioLenteNesalīdzi tu, Kārleit, ka ar Veri nagulēji
1980, 18281967AudioLenteEs no savam mazam dienam ēdu gaļu, medu, pienu
1980, 18271967AudioLenteTas Pēteris tai teice
1980, 18041967AudioLenteBērīts mans kumelīts tukšu sili grabinā
1980, 18031967AudioLenteElu, elu, Kalnzīl's gans, kur ellē ielīdis (ganu dziesma)
1980, 17971967AudioLenteEs čigāna puika biju, man čigāna sievasmāte
1980, 17951967AudioLenteReiz meitenīte ganīja daudz baltas aitiņas
1980, 17881967AudioLenteAk tī jandālī, suņam raibi kamzolīš' (2x)
1980, 17861967AudioLenteAtdarait man šos vārtus, šī ir mana mīļākā (3x)
1980, 17831967AudioLenteTu smaidīji tik patīkami koši
1980, 17231967AudioLenteVentas krastos es puķītes plūcu
1980, 16501967AudioLenteKo tu raudi, kas tev vainas
1980, 16491967AudioLenteTrīs gadiņi audzināju
1980, 13641967AudioLenteSārta kā uguns magone zied
1980, 13591967AudioLenteMana balta māmuliņa
Näitan 75 üksusest 1-20.
Näitan 1,355 üksusest 1-20.
PisipiltTüüpKaustFaila numursKeeledTekstistusMetadatiNoodid 
Näitan 1,355 üksusest 1-20.

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