Diaries of Emīls Pudelis

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Diaries of Emīls Pudelis

Diaries of Emīls Pudelis (1893–1969), Mazsalaca farmer, Latvian rifleman, and participant in the Latvian War for Independence. The first entry was made on 1 July 1912 and the last preserved entry was made on 31 May 1938. The following entries were destroyed at the beginning of the Soviet period for reasons of safety. The diary records each day’s work and what it entailed, as well as other daily activities and important events at home and in the surrounding area, near and far. Emīls Pudelis’ partner Marta also participates in the writing of the last diary.

Emils’ son Uldis Pudelis (1929–2016), an enthusiastic family historian, donated the Emīls Pudelis original diary to the Archives of Latvian Folklore. In turn, the diary of Uldis Pudelis was entrusted to LFK by Uldis’ son Juris Pudelis.

Emīls Pudelis’ diary from 1918 was published in a microblog on Facebook and Twitter.

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