Diaries in the Time of Pandemic 2020–2021

Diaries in the Time of Pandemic 2020–2021

"Diaries in the Time of Pandemic" was a crowdsourcing initiative led by the Archives of Latvian Folklore of the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art and the online culture magazine PUNCTUM. The goal of this initiative was to document the experiences of people in Latvia during the pandemic through diary entries.

The Pandemic Diaries project was launched in March 2020 in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. It was conducted in partnership with public media outlets, which promoted the project and invited the public to participate.

The lengths of the diaries vary, with some covering just a few days and others spanning several months, offering ongoing reflections on life during the pandemic. These diaries provide insights into the diverse experiences, feelings, and challenges people faced during this time, including feelings of being restricted, anxious, and uncertain. As life started returning to normal in the summer of 2020, the number of records decreased, but some authors continued to write, and new ones began as the pandemic entered its second wave.

As part of the Pandemic Diaries campaign, people were encouraged to write about their experiences during the pandemic and submit their diaries for archiving and online collection. To protect the privacy of the authors, the initiative suggested that diaries can be published anonymously or with personal details removed from the text. All submitted records were immediately included in the Autobiography Collection of the digital archive at garamantas.lv and published online on the same day they were received.

A total of 2333 records were submitted, along with around 800 photographs and drawings. These submissions, which covered a wide range of experiences and emotions, are now a valuable resource for documenting the first wave of the pandemic in Latvia. They will provide future generations with a unique glimpse into people's thoughts, feelings, and daily lives during this unprecedented time. 

Additionally, the collection of Pandemic Diaries provides recorded geolocation for all the places mentioned in the diaries, which illustrates the geographical spread of the thoughts and allows to trace the daily routes and travels reflected upon in the diaries, providing further insight into the impact of the pandemic on people's lives (see the tab 'Places'). 

The Pandemic Diaries project has created a rich and informative resource that will be useful for researchers and anyone interested in understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on society, particularly during the initial outbreak. 

The corpus of pandemic diary texts can be accessed on the Latvian National Corpus platform and the CLARIN repository.

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This collection is Publicly Available and licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Showing 1-20 of 239 items.
ThumbnailUnit numberTitleCategories 
1Santa Remere. 17.03.2020. Emergency detoxdiary
2Ilze Sperga. 17.03.2020.–04.01.2021. Diary in the Times of Pandemicdiary
3Jānis Daugavietis. 12.03.2020.–13.06.2021. Diary in the Times of Pandemicdiary
4Sintija Germane. 16.03.2020. Diary in the Times of Pandemicdiary
5Aija Kaukule. 12.03.2020–16.03.2020. Diary in the Times of Pandemicdiary
6Lolita Tomsone. 18.03.2020.–03.04.2020. Diary in the Times of Pandemicdiary
7Rita Treija. 18.03.2020.–09.06.2020. Diary in the Times of Pandemicdiary
8Vilis Kasims. 16.03.2020.–15.04.2020. Diary in the Times of Pandemicdiary
9Inga Pizāne. 18.03.2020.–09.12.2020. Diary in the Times of Pandemicdiary
10Inga Oliņa. 18.03.2020. Diary in the Times of Pandemicdiary
11Dace Rukšāne 13.03.2020.–20.06.2020. Twitter Diary in the Times of Pandemic diary
12Linda Pavlovska. 18.03.2020. Diary in the Times of Pandemicdiary
13Keita. 18.03.2020.–18.03.2021. COVID-19 North London. diary
14Džefrijs Grīnvalds. 18.03.2020.–08.06.2020. Latvian Quarantine 2020.diary
15Ilze Ļaksa-Timinska. 18.03.2020.–18.05.2020. Diary in the Times of Pandemicdiary
16Ludmila Roziņa. 19.03.2020.–01.04.2020. Diary in the Times of Pandemicdiary
17Emīlija Buša. 12.03.2020–22.03.2020. Diary in the Times of Pandemicdiary
18Jūlija Dibovska. 19.03.2020. Diary in the Times of Pandemicdiary
19Jūlija Dibovska. 19.03.2020. Diary in the Times of Pandemicdiary
20Ilona Kunda. 19.03.2020-30.03.2020. Diary in the Times of Pandemicdiary
Showing 1-20 of 239 items.
Showing 1-20 of 801 items.
ThumbnailTitleTypeNumberYearAuthorAdditional information 
"Pandemic Diaries" bannerImageAk-166-1
Instructions for washing handsImageAk-166-22020Jānis DaugavietisInstrukcija par roku mazgāšanu Lisabonā.
Pandēmijas dienasgrāmata: http://garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273024?slug=lfk-ak-166-3
Doctor on a home visitImageAk-166-32020Jānis DaugavietisĀrsts mājas vizītē, ņemot analīžu paraugus Covid-19 pārbaudīšanai.
Pandēmijas dienasgrāmata: http://garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273024?slug=lfk-ak-166-3
WoodImageAk-166-42021Filips BobinskisPandēmijas dienasgrāmata: garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273139?slug=lfk-ak-166-96
Socializing in LisbonImageAk-166-52020Jānis DaugavietisSocializēšanās Lisabonā 2020. gada marta sākumā.
Pandēmijas dienasgrāmata: http://garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273024?slug=lfk-ak-166-3
Napkins in the forestImageAk-166-62020Jānis DaugavietisSalvetes mežā
Pandēmijas dienasgrāmata: http://garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273024?slug=lfk-ak-166-3
Jānis Daugavietis is fishingImageAk-166-72020Jānis Daugavietis makšķerē Limbažu Lielezerā.
Pandēmijas dienasgrāmata: http://garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273024?slug=lfk-ak-166-3
Trail of Limbažu LielezersImageAk-166-82020Jānis DaugavietisLimbažu Lielezera taka
Pandēmijas dienasgrāmata: http://garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273024?slug=lfk-ak-166-3
What to do if you have serious symptoms of the diseaseImageAk-166-92020Ko darīt, ja nopietni saslimšanas simptomi
Pandēmijas dienasgrāmata: http://garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273024?slug=lfk-ak-166-3
How to deal with emotionsImageAk-166-102020Pandēmijas dienasgrāmata: http://garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273024?slug=lfk-ak-166-3
SunsetImageAk-166-112020Jānis DaugavietisPandēmijas dienasgrāmata: http://garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273024?slug=lfk-ak-166-3
Sole in the seaImageAk-166-122020Jānis DaugavietisPandēmijas dienasgrāmata: http://garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273024?slug=lfk-ak-166-3
Notice in the "Aleponija"ImageAk-166-132020Jānis DaugavietisPaziņojums bārā "Aleponija".
Pandēmijas dienasgrāmata: http://garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273024?slug=lfk-ak-166-3
Pot-shredImageAk-166-142020Jānis DaugavietisPandēmijas dienasgrāmata: http://garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273024?slug=lfk-ak-166-3
Food supply for self-isolationImageAk-166-152020Sintija GermaneSintijas Germanes ēdiena krājums pašizolācijai
Pandēmijas dienasgrāmata: garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273025?slug=lfk-ak-166-4
Books for self-isolationImageAk-166-162020Sintija GermaneSintijas Germanes grāmatas pašizolācijai
Pandēmijas dienasgrāmata: garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273025?slug=lfk-ak-166-4
Frog with a babyImageAk-166-172020Lolita TomsoneLolitas Tomsones zīmējums "Varde ar zīdaini".
Pandēmijas dienasgrāmata: garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273027?slug=lfk-ak-166-6
Lolita TomsoneImageAk-166-182020Pandēmijas dienasgrāmata: garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273027?slug=lfk-ak-166-6
Lolita Tomsone in a maskImageAk-166-192020Pandēmijas dienasgrāmata: garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273027?slug=lfk-ak-166-6
Home office of Rita TreijaImageAk-166-202020Rita GrīnvaldeRitas Treijas mājas ofiss
Pandēmijas dienasgrāmata: http://garamantas.lv/lv/text/view/273029?slug=lfk-ak-166-7
Showing 1-20 of 801 items.
Showing 1-20 of 809 items.
ThumbnailTypeNumber of fileLanguagesTranscription (text)MetadataTranscription (music) 
Showing 1-20 of 809 items.

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