Romani folklore collection of Jānis Leimanis

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Romani folklore collection of Jānis Leimanis

Romani folklore

The most outstanding collection of Latvian Romani material - 500 folklore units in 75 volumes - was collected by Jānis (Bernis) Leimanis (1886-1950) in 1920-30's. Leimanis' manuscript is particular for two reasons - it widely represents less known Romani folklore and all of the materials are supplied with Latvian translation.

The manuscript starts with a long fairy-tale Bimbars and Bille, as told by Ansis Zavickis in 1902 in the Kuldīga district. Leimanis was obviously well educated because the language of the translation is brilliant and rich. The material ends in "mortal" words which are now fading out of the Romani language.

Archives of Latvian Folklore holds also Romani folklore, collected from Latvian children.

Transcription progress
22% Complete
4% Complete
74% Complete
Showing 1-20 of 463 items.
ThumbnailUnit numberTitleCategories 
1Ņem tu mani, zēniņfolklore of other nationalities
2Melnais kažoksfolklore of other nationalities
3Aiz upītes, aiz ozoliemforeign folklore texts
4Dejo Peku, speries tuforeign folklore texts
5Bimbars un Billefolklore of other nationalities
folk tale
6Sen laiku Kurzemes, Zemgales, Vidzemes, Igaunijas un Lietavas čigānu paražas un tikumifolklore of other nationalities
6aLaušanās un paukošanāsfolklore of other nationalities
7Čigāni ūdeni izlietoja kā dziedniecības līdzeklifolklore of other nationalities
8Upes ūdeni čigāni turēja par šķīstufolklore of other nationalities
8aPrecētai sievietei ir jāizsargājas, lai starp vīriešiem nenēsātu atklātu galvufolklore of other nationalities
9Pie čigānu nometnes nedrīkst trūkst ūdensfolklore of other nationalities
10Dejošanafolklore of other nationalities
11-13Dziesmasfolklore of other nationalities
14Džadža dēls un atraitnes meitafolklore of other nationalities
folk tale
15Džadža dēls un atraitnes meitafolklore of other nationalities
folk tale
16Piezīme par pasaku Džadža dēls un atraitnes meitafolklore of other nationalities
reflection on folklore
17Čīgānu galvafolklore of other nationalities
18Latvijas un Lietuvas čigānu parašasfolklore of other nationalities
19Kas no mitus atteicās, tas lai zirgu neturafolklore of other nationalities
20Brālis brāli nežēlofolklore of other nationalities
Showing 1-20 of 463 items.
Showing 1-20 of 1,254 items.
ThumbnailTypeNumber of fileLanguagesTranscription (text)MetadataTranscription (music) 
1389-01a-001Manuscript1389-01a-001rm, lvYesYesNo
1389-01a-002Manuscript1389-01a-002rm, lvYesYesNo
1389-01a-003Manuscript1389-01a-003rm, lvYesYesNo
1389-01a-004Manuscript1389-01a-004rm, lvYesYesNo
1389-01b-00Manuscript1389-01b-00rm, lvYesNoNo
1389-01b-01Manuscript1389-01b-01rm, lvYesYesNo
1389-01b-02Manuscript1389-01b-02rm, lvYesYesNo
1389-01b-03Manuscript1389-01b-03rm, lvYesYesNo
1389-01b-04Manuscript1389-01b-04rm, lvYesYesNo
1389-01b-05Manuscript1389-01b-05rm, lvYesYesNo
1389-01b-06Manuscript1389-01b-06rm, lvYesYesNo
1389-01b-07Manuscript1389-01b-07rm, lvYesYesNo
1389-01b-08Manuscript1389-01b-08rm, lvYesYesNo
1389-01b-09Manuscript1389-01b-09rm, lvYesYesNo
1389-01b-10Manuscript1389-01b-10rm, lvYesYesNo
1389-01b-11Manuscript1389-01b-11rm, lvYesYesNo
1389-01b-12Manuscript1389-01b-12rm, lvYesYesNo
1389-01b-13Manuscript1389-01b-13rm, lvYesYesNo
1389-02-01Manuscript1389-02-01rm, lvYesYesNo
Showing 1-20 of 1,254 items.

Map legend


Kolekcijas atšifrēšana joprojām turpinās.

Pie šīs kolekcijas atšifrēšanas strādājuši:

Showing 1-20 of 55 items.
#1 Ieva Tihovska (142595)
#2 Natalia Perkova (64900)
#3 Kristīne Po (14739)
#4 Kristiana (1761)
#5 Sanita Reinsone (1729)
#6 LigaB (1427)
#7 Vita Magdalēna Sudrabiņa (1418)
#8 tunagard (1188)
#9 ErikaG (904)
#10 IevaKronkalne (891)
#11 Magdalina (750)
#12 gpoldme (529)
#13 aika003 (507)
#14 Sanita44 (471)
#15 Samanta2645 (444)
#16 JolantaPlaude (421)
#17 arturs123 (337)
#18 monikakemlere (286)
#19 GatisBST (258)
#20 virdzinija (203)

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