14. zinātniskā ekspedīcija Balvu, Dagdas un Krāslavas rajonā 1960. gadā.
2. aploksnē Zaiga Burnicka pierakstījusi horeogrāfijas materiālus, 3. aploksnē Jadviga Darbiniece pierakstījusi horeogrāfijas materiālus, savukārt Harija Sūnas materiāli (12. aploksne) ir zuduši.
Thumbnail | Unit number | Title | Categories | |
430 | Puišam to leita laikā ir atpyuta, a meitai nikod da rogonu. | proverb | ||
432 | Ka dūd, to ņem, ka siss, to bēdz. | proverb | ||
433 | Naickar kotla, kotls nikod naaickars. | proverb | ||
434 | Apceļ kai maizis kukuli. | proverb | ||
436 | Vādars kūrc kai varžu būde. | proverb | ||
501 | Uobeļs nu uobeņeicys tuoli nakreit. | proverb | ||
502 | Kū siesi, tū pļausi. | proverb | ||
874 | Grīžas ta grīžas. | proverb | ||
1271 | Zyls kai vuornys pavēders. | proverb | ||
1272 | Runoj kai guļ. | proverb | ||
1274 | Kū peļneisim tū sajimsi. | proverb | ||
1275 | Kaids dorbs, taida olga. | proverb | ||
1276 | Uobuļs nu uobēļis tuoli nakreit. | proverb | ||
1277 | Na vysa bāda, ka rudzūs zuoļa; a, ka ni rudzu, ni zuolis, vot i div bādys. | proverb | ||
1278 | Mozi bārni, mozys bādis, leli bārni,- lelys bādys. | proverb | ||
1279 | Leli sapņi, lelys bādys, mozi sapņi, mozys bādys. | proverb | ||
1280 | Īt kai nadzeivs. | proverb | ||
1281 | Skrīn kā luocss. | proverb | ||
1282 | Stuov kā bibāklys. | proverb | ||
1313 | Durakam palikt - nailgam, a vot gudram - nadreiž. | proverb |
Thumbnail | Title | Type | Number | Year | Author | Additional information | |
Landscape of Latgale | Image | 19600001 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava district, 5 July till 2 August, 1960. A Latgale landscape. | |||
Landscape of Latgale | Image | 19600002 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava district, 5 July till 2 August, 1960. A Latgale landscape. | |||
Landscape of Latgale | Image | 19600003 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava district, 5 July till 2 August, 1960. A Latgale landscape. | |||
Landscape of Latgale | Image | 19600004 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava district, 5 July till 2 August, 1960. A Latgale landscape. | |||
The folklore informant Marciana Kindzule | Image | 19600005 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Marciana Kindzule | |||
Student Maija Rudzīte and folklore informant Marciana Kindzule | Image | 19600006 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. Student of the Latvia State University Maija Rudzīte recording texts from folklore informant Marciana Kindzule. | |||
Student Maija Rudzīte and folklore informant Marciana Kindzule | Image | 19600007 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. Student of the Latvia State University Maija Rudzīte recording texts from folklore informant Marciana Kindzule. | |||
Student Skaidrīte Rimša and folklore informant Anna Bodniece | Image | 19600008 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. Student of the Latvia State University Skaidrīte Rimša (Lasmane) recording texts from folklore informant Anna Bodniece. | |||
The folklore informant Anna Bodniece | Image | 19600009 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Anna Bodniece. | |||
The folklore informant Broņislava Romanovska | Image | 19600010 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Broņislava Romanovska. On the right: student I. Bernāne. | |||
The folklore informant Broņislava Romanovska | Image | 19600011 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Broņislava Romanovska. | |||
Visiting folklore informant Broņislava Romanovska | Image | 19600012 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The texts of the songs sung by folklore informant Broņislava Romanovska written down by student I. Bernāne, melodies - by student of the State Conservatoire Vilnis Salaks. | |||
The folklore informant Veronika Bogdana and folklorist Renāte Tavare in Izvalta | Image | 19600013 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Veronika Bogdane (left) and folklorist Renāte Tavare. | |||
The folklore informant Veronika Bogdana and folklorist Renāte Tavare in Izvalta | Image | 19600014 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. Student of the Latvia State University Renāte Tavare writing down folklore from informant Veronika Bogdane. | |||
The folklore informant Veronika Bogdana | Image | 19600015 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Veronika Bogdane. | |||
The folklore informant Aneļa Suveizda and folklorist Renāte Tavare | Image | 19600016 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. Student of the Latvia State University Renāte Tavare writing down folklore from informant Aneļa Suveizda. | |||
The folklore informant Aneļa Suveizda | Image | 19600017 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Aneļa Suveizda. | |||
The folklore informant Anna Suveizda | Image | 19600018 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. The folklore informant Anna Suveizda. | |||
The folklore informant Anna Suveizda and folklorist Renāte Tavare | Image | 19600019 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. Student of the Latvia State University Renāte Tavare writing down folklore from informant Anna Suveizda. | |||
Expedition in Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava district | Image | 19600020 | 1960 | The 14th folklorist scholarly expedition to Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts. |
Unit number | Year | Medium | Type | Title | |
1950, 9281 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Puortecēju Daugaveni | |
1950, 9280 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | As īdama nūsavēru | |
1950, 9284 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Es meiteņa gonūs guoju | |
1950, 9285 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Ceļūs as svādiņ reitā agri | |
1950, 9282 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Man' māmeņa tyvu deva | |
1950, 9287 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Skaistuoks i Pīters | |
1950, 9286 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Še, Anneņa, šurp braukdama (apdziedāšana) | |
1950, 9284 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Kur, prīdeite, viersi tovi | |
1950, 9283 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Saskrāja zūstenis | |
1950, 9293 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Rūtoj saule, rūtoj bite | |
1950, 9289 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Kur tu teci, duru pele, kalado | |
1950, 9288 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Aijā žūžū, luoča bārni | |
1950, 9290 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Mozi bārni, moza bāda | |
1950, 9290 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Sīneņu guoju kosdama | |
1950, 9292 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Sīneņu guoju kosdama | |
1950 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Sveicynuojam, vēlējam jums lobu laimi | |
1950, 7436 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Sit, Juoneiti, vara bungas, leigū | |
1950, 9427 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Latvīt, kai nava tev žāli | |
1950, 7236 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Aizalaida man sauleite | |
1950, 7713 | 1960 | Audio | Lente | Sēju rūtu, sēju mātru |
Thumbnail | Type | Folder | Number of file | Languages | Transcription (text) | Metadata | Transcription (music) | |
Image | 1950_1984a | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_2023a | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_2073 | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_2228a | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_3369a | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_3814 | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_3824 | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_3835 | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_3836 | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_4816 | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_5290 | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_5956 | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_5986 | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_6255 | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_6466 | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_6668 | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_6669 | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_7186 | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_7203 | lv | Yes | Yes | No | |||
Image | 1950_7219a | lv | Yes | Yes | No |
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