Title | Scheme of kolkhoz "Jaunais ceļš" (The new way) |
Type | Drawing |
Number | 1880-437 |
Collection | 5th scientific expedition in Bauska |
Author of illustration | Austra Alksnīte |
Description | 5. zinātniskā ekspedīcija Bauskā. Bauskas rajona Garozas ciema kolhoza "Jaunais ceļš" plāns. |
Indoors | No |
Format | 27.04 x 39.37 |
Place and year | 1953 |
Colours | No |
Keywords | |
Transcriber | Kirmis |
Completed | Yes |
Accepted | Yes |
Created | 2022-12-09 12:11:59 |
Updated | 2022-12-09 12:13:08 |
Transcription (text) | [1880]437 pielikums.Bauskas raj. Ganzas ciema l/a "Jaunais ceļš"plānsMerogs 1:15 000 [attēls - zīmējums] |
Transcribe text |