Title | The folklore informants Veneranda Kaļinovska, Tekla Kaļinovska and folklore researchers Andrejs Krūmiņš, Vilnis Salaks |
Type | Photo |
Number | 1950-7186 |
Collection | 14th scientific expedition in Balvi, Dagda and Krāslava districts |
Description | The folklore informants Veneranda Kaļinovska (marked with a x), Tekla Kaļinovska (xx) and folklore researchers: senior lecturer of the Latvian State Conservatoire Andrejs Krūmiņš (x), student of LSC Vilnis Salaks (xxxx). |
Persons in illustration | Tekla Kaļinovska Andrejs Krūmiņš Veneranda Kaļinovska Vilnis Salaks |
Indoors | No |
Format | 11.69 x 6.88 |
Place and year | 1960 Dagda Dagda, Krāslavas novads Parka iela 2 |
Colours | No |
Keywords | |
Transcriber | Kirmis |
Completed | Yes |
Accepted | Yes |
Created | 2021-12-03 14:34:24 |
Updated | 2021-12-03 14:34:32 |
Transcription (text) | [fotogrāfija] |
Transcribe text |