Eleja 6-year Primary School

OrganisationEleja 6-year Primary School
Other titles
RepositoriesArchives of Latvian Folklore
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
Collection of M. Tetere in Eleja
65Collection of M. Tetere in ElejaLFKEleja 6-year Primary Schoollv
Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School
1629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary SchoolLFKEleja 6-year Primary Schoollv
Showing 1-20 of 169 items.
#ThumbnailCollection No.CollectionUnit numberTitleInformantCollectorRepository 
1Es stāv uz augsta kalna65Collection of M. Tetere in Eleja1Es stāv uz augsta kalnaArchives of Latvian Folklore
2Es stāv uz augsta kalna65Collection of M. Tetere in Eleja2Es stāv uz augsta kalnaArchives of Latvian Folklore
31629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School31Melns darbs, balta maize.Archives of Latvian Folklore
41629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School34Rads rada velns.Archives of Latvian Folklore
51629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School35Roka roku mazgā, abas baltas.Archives of Latvian Folklore
61629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School91Archives of Latvian Folklore
71629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School118Kam bēda, tam spilvens ciets.Archives of Latvian Folklore
81629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School119Sijāts darbs, sijāta maize.Archives of Latvian Folklore
91629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School122Nelga, kas sola; vīrs, kas dara.Archives of Latvian Folklore
101629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School126Archives of Latvian Folklore
111629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School266Domā lēni, strādā ātri.Archives of Latvian Folklore
121629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School270Ko šodien vari padarīt, to netaupi uz rītu.Archives of Latvian Folklore
131629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School274Dari ko darīdams, apdomā galu.Archives of Latvian Folklore
141629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School275Amats netop lamāts.Archives of Latvian Folklore
151629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School277Ātri deg, ātri dziest.Archives of Latvian Folklore
161629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School278Kas augstu kāp, tas zemu krīt.Archives of Latvian Folklore
171629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School282Dziļš ūdens tek lēni.Archives of Latvian Folklore
181629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School283Amatam zelta pamats.Archives of Latvian Folklore
191629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School289Deviņi amati, desmitais bads.Archives of Latvian Folklore
201629Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School304Archives of Latvian Folklore
Showing 1-20 of 169 items.

Map legend

Showing 1-1 of 1 item.
#LocationDateTypeType of place
(Eleja, Elejas pagasts, Jelgavas novads)
(Not set)LocationVillage

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