1 |  | 65 | Collection of M. Tetere in Eleja | 1 | Es stāv uz augsta kalna | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
2 |  | 65 | Collection of M. Tetere in Eleja | 2 | Es stāv uz augsta kalna | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
3 | | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 31 | Melns darbs, balta maize. | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
4 | | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 34 | Rads rada velns. | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
5 | | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 35 | Roka roku mazgā, abas baltas. | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
6 |  | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 91 | | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
7 | | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 118 | Kam bēda, tam spilvens ciets. | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
8 | | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 119 | Sijāts darbs, sijāta maize. | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
9 | | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 122 | Nelga, kas sola; vīrs, kas dara. | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
10 |  | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 126 | | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
11 | | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 266 | Domā lēni, strādā ātri. | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
12 | | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 270 | Ko šodien vari padarīt, to netaupi uz rītu. | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
13 | | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 274 | Dari ko darīdams, apdomā galu. | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
14 | | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 275 | Amats netop lamāts. | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
15 | | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 277 | Ātri deg, ātri dziest. | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
16 | | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 278 | Kas augstu kāp, tas zemu krīt. | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
17 | | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 282 | Dziļš ūdens tek lēni. | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
18 | | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 283 | Amatam zelta pamats. | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
19 | | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 289 | Deviņi amati, desmitais bads. | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |
20 |  | 1629 | Collection of Eleja 6-year Primary School | 304 | | | | Archives of Latvian Folklore | |