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republikas pilsēta Jēkabpils [AT likums 2008, groz. 2015] Jēkabpils, Latvija, Eiropas Savienība

Showing 1-20 of 2,922 items.
#NumberDate of recordingType of linkExcerpt
1#LFK 150, 2914Place and time of recording
2#LFK 150, 2915Place and time of recording
3#LFK 150, 2916Place and time of recording
4#LFK 150, 2917Place and time of recording
5#LFK 150, 2918Place and time of recording
6#LFK 150, 2919-2921Place and time of recording
7#LFK 150, 2922Place and time of recording
8#LFK 150, 2923Place and time of recording
9#LFK 150, 2924Place and time of recording
10#LFK 150, 2925Place and time of recording
11#LFK 150, 2926Place and time of recording
12#LFK 150, 2926aPlace and time of recording
13#LFK 150, 2927Place and time of recording
14#LFK 150, 2928Place and time of recording
15#LFK 150, 2929Place and time of recording
16#LFK 150, 2930Place and time of recording
17#LFK 150, 2931-2932Place and time of recording
18#LFK 150, 3779Place of hearing
19#LFK 180, 751926Place and time of recording
20#LFK 180, 781928Place and time of recording
Showing 1-20 of 2,922 items.
Showing 1-20 of 147 items.
#ThumbnailNumberTitleYearImage authorType of imageType of link
4Zvejas tīklsLFK-119-1156Zvejas tīkls1929-1929ImagePlace
5Ezers un ledusLFK-119-1157Ezers un ledus1929-1929ImagePlace
7Zaru slotaLFK-119-1159Zaru slota1929-1929ImagePlace
16Siena kaudzeLFK-119-1165bSiena kaudze1929-1929ImagePlace
Showing 1-20 of 147 items.
Showing 1-20 of 101 items.
#NameOccupationEvent timeType of linkDescription
1Arnolds Pēteris Aizsilnieks
  • cameraman
  • author
  • economist
1908 - 1914Education

Mācījies Jēkabpils pilsētas Tirdzniecības skolā.

2Lidija AkmentiņaResidence
3Aleksandra Akota
  • educator
  • musician
  • pianist
1940 - 1944Working place

Dziedāšanas skolotāja Jēkabpils pamatskolā.

4Valdemārs Ancītis
  • author
  • literary scholar
  • bibliographer
1941 - 1943Working placeKopā ar dzejnieku Pēteri Lusti veidojis laikraksta literāro lappusi.
5Marija Apine
  • clerk
1927 - 1932Residence
6Flora Austruma
  • dentist
1935 - 00.07.1935Working place

I šķiras asistente

7Alfrēds Ābers
  • journalist
  • writer
Working place

Dārzkopības instruktors.

8Jolanta Babrāne
  • student
  • folk performer
1971Birth time/place
9Juris Baldunčiks
  • linguist
  • translator
29.11.1950Birth time/place
10Visvaldis Baltiņš
  • lawyer
11Ingūna Beķere
  • translator
19.02.1965Birth time/place
12Olga Irēne Bergmane
  • lawyer
  • lawyer
00.09.1942 - 1944Working place

Praktizējusi kā zvērināta advokāte.

13Jānis Bičolis
  • folklore researcher
  • literary scholar
  • literary critic
  • historian
1920 - 1923Education

Skolas laikā rediģēja savas klases žurnālu "Dzirkstele", kurā publicēja arī dažus savus literāros prozas darbus. Ar interesi darbojies senatnes pētīšanas pulciņā, kur vadīja šī pulciņa valodniecības resp. folkloras sekciju.

14Zaiga BirsteBirth time/place
15Silva Blazkēza
  • educator
  • musician
08.09.1965Birth time/place
16Arvīds Borincs
  • poet
05.11.1980Place/time of death
17Anna Brodele
  • author
  • autore
1924 - 1927Education
18Mārtiņš Bruņenieks
  • educator
  • philologist
1922 - 1939Working placeSkolotājs
19Jānis Andrejs Burtnieks
  • teacher
  • scientist
  • author
  • literary scholar
1907 - 1909Education
20Jānis Cakuls
  • blacksmith
1903Birth time/place
Showing 1-20 of 101 items.
Showing 1-20 of 75 items.
#TitleYear of publicationType of linkExcerpt
1Predigt am Geburtfeste Seiner Kaiserl.Majestät Alexanders des Ersten, Kaisers und Selbstherrschers aller Russen etc. den 12 December 1815 in Jacobstadt gehalten1816Mentioned in text
2Sapnis 18. novembra naktī1931Publishing year/ place
3Ivande Kaija savā dienas grāmatā1935Publishing year/ place
4Jaunā Krišjāņa Valdemāra aicinājums latviešiem, igauņiem un citiem1937Publishing year/ place
5Jāņa Veinalda traģisks dzīves noslēgums1937Publishing year/ place
6Jūrā1938Publishing year/ place
7Alfrēds Goba piecdesmitgadnieks1939Publishing year/ place
8Pavasara atmiņu baltie ziedi par Teodoru Zeifertu1944Publishing year/ place
9Kolhoza tīrumā1957Publishing year/ place
10Krastos1959Publishing year/ place
11Jubilejas dienā1960Publishing year/ place
12Jums, rakstniek1960Publishing year/ place
13Kā māte vārīja Andim zupu1960Publishing year/ place
14Internacionāle1960Publishing year/ place
15Jēkabpilieši godina sava novada rakstnieku1960Publishing year/ place
16Ed. Salenieks un rajona jaunie autori1961Publishing year/ place
17Skarbums un labsirdība1961Publishing year/ place
18Teicamnieces diploms1962Pre-publication in periodicals time/place
19Ar spalvu un durkli1966Publishing year/ place
20"Ar kaujas saucieniem..."1966Publishing year/ place
Showing 1-20 of 75 items.
Showing 1-16 of 16 items.
#TitleOther namesOrganisation typeTime in placeType of link
1Arvīda Žilinska Jēkabpils mūzika skolaSchools and pre-schoolsLocation
2Folkloras kopa ''Klinči''Group1985Location
3Jēkabpils 6-year Primary SchoolOrganisationLocation
4Jēkabpils apriņķa skolaSchools and pre-schoolsLocation
5Jēkabpils ģimnāzijaSchools and pre-schoolsLocation
6Jēkabpils Business SchoolOrganisationLocation
7Jēkabpils novada jauno autoru apvienība"Brīvās Daugavas" jauno autoru apvienība ( Paralēlais )Public organizationLocation
8Jēkabpils pilsētas skolaSchools and pre-schools
9Jēkabpils tirdzniecības skolaSchools and pre-schoolsLocation
10Jēkabpils State Secondary SchoolOrganisationLocation
11Krustpils Parish 6-year Primary SchoolOrganisationLocation
12Krustpils Primary SchoolOrganisationLocation
13Laikraksts "Brīvā Daugava"Periodicals Location
14Laikraksts "Padomju Daugava"Periodicals Location
15Latgales drāmas teatris TheatersLocation
16Luda Bērziņa tirdzniecības skolaSchools and pre-schoolsLocation
Showing 1-16 of 16 items.
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.
#TitleFile codeDate of recordingType of link
1Interwiev with Signe Veisaa4211.10.2021Recording
2Intervija ar Vinetu Romania1207.07.2021Recording
Showing 1-2 of 2 items.

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