ID | 1066740 |
Name | Ventspils |
Type | City |
Address | Ventspils |
Platums | 57.38970184 |
Garums | 21.56440544 |
Precizitāte | Kartēts precīzi |
Description | republikas pilsēta Ventspils [AT likums 2008, groz. 2015]. Agrāk Ventspils rajons |
Existing | Existing |
Pievienots | 1513343252 |
Updated | 1517738229 |
Map |
# | Number | Date of recording | Type of link | Excerpt |
1 | #LFK 32, 4175 | 1936 | Place and time of recording | |
2 | #LFK 32, 4176 | 1936 | Place and time of recording | |
3 | #LFK 32, 4249 | 1936 | Place and time of recording | |
4 | #LFK 99, 003 | 1926 | Place and time of recording | |
5 | #LFK 99, 004 | 1926 | Place and time of recording | |
6 | #LFK 99, 005 | 1926 | Place and time of recording | |
7 | #LFK 99, 006 | 1926 | Place and time of recording | |
8 | #LFK 99, 007 | 1926 | Place and time of recording | |
9 | #LFK 99, 008 | 1926 | Place and time of recording | |
10 | #LFK 99, 009 | 1926 | Place and time of recording | |
11 | #LFK 99, 010 | 1926 | Place and time of recording | |
12 | #LFK 99, 011 | 1926 | Place and time of recording | |
13 | #LFK 99, 012 | 1926 | Place and time of recording | |
14 | #LFK 99, 013 | 1926 | Place and time of recording | |
15 | #LFK 99, 014 | 1926 | Place and time of recording | |
16 | #LFK 99, 015 | 1926 | Place and time of recording | |
17 | #LFK 99, 016 | 1926 | Place and time of recording | |
18 | #LFK 99, 017 | 1926 | Place and time of recording | |
19 | #LFK 99, 018 | 1926 | Place and time of recording | |
20 | #LFK 99, 019 | 1926 | Place and time of recording |
# | Name | Occupation | Event time | Type of link | Description |
1 | Inese Aide |
| 1987 - 2006 | Birth time/place Working place | Ārštata autore |
2 | Ernests Aistars |
| 1920 | Education | |
3 | Anna Akermane | 1936 | Residence | ||
4 | Andris Akmentiņš |
| 2011 | Residence | |
5 | Mersedeza Alkšņuzare | 1932 | Birth time/place | ||
6 | Vilis Altbergs |
| 1910 | Residence | 1910. gadā pārcēlies uz Ventspili. |
7 | Marija Amiķe | 1909 | Birth time/place Residence | ||
8 | Džena Andersone |
| 1992 - 1996 | Birth time/place Education | Vidējā medicīniskā izglītība |
9 | Jānis Andersons | 1919 | Birth time/place | ||
10 | Andina |
| 1946 - 1950 | Working place Working place | Korespondente instruktore. Pedagoģe Ventspils Mūzikas vidusskolā, pasniedza dziedāšanu un itāļu valodu. Piedalījās koncertos kā soliste–izpildītāja. |
11 | Milda Antrope | 1923 | Birth time/place | ||
12 | Roberts Apenītis |
| 1928 - 1931 | Working place | Laikraksta "Jaunais Ventspils Apskats" redakcijas loceklis. |
13 | Maira Asare |
| 2010 - 2015 | Working place | |
14 | Pēteris Atvars | Residence | |||
15 | Vilis Augstkalns |
| 1937 - 1938 | Working place | Ticības mācības skolotājs |
16 | Elmārs Augusts Rumba |
| Residence | ||
17 | Dzidra Ādamsone | 1931 | Birth time/place | ||
18 | Alda Ālīte | 1957 | Birth time/place | ||
19 | Krišjānis Barons |
| 1847 | Education | Mācījies Ventspils elementārskolā un apriņķa skolā |
20 | Millija Baure | Residence |
# | Title | File code | Date of recording | Type of link |
1 | Džāva bergi | a9 | 15.08.2004 | Recording |
2 | Man vašti den | a8 | 08.08.2004 | Recording |
3 | Ei, daj gija Ļiza | a7 | 28.08.2004 | Recording |
4 | Ei, Daula, Daula | a6 | 15.08.2004 | Recording |
5 | Ei, Daula, Daula | a5 | 08.08.2004 | Recording |
6 | Kaj džasa, čhāvoro | a4 | 28.02.2004 | Recording |
7 | Okei, daiļā meiča | a3 | 08.08.2004 | Recording |
8 | Kaj tu džasa (čigānu val.) | a24 | 16.08.2004 | Recording |
9 | Vakars vēls pār zemi laižas | a23 | 29.08.2004 | Recording |
10 | Isomas, mi daj | a22 | 31.10.2004 | Recording |
11 | Mīli mani tu, meitene | a21 | 28.08.2004 | Recording |
12 | Ūder atkerdžapes | a20 | 16.08.2004 | Recording |
13 | Interview with Juris Smaļinskis | a20 | 07.10.2021 | Recording |
14 | Kur Tu esi, Dieva Dēls | a2 | 25.03.2003 | Recording |
15 | Rīgas ostā | a19 | 16.08.2004 | Recording |
16 | Rīgas ostā | a18 | 08.08.2004 | Recording |
17 | Kai tu džasa | a17 | 16.08.2004 | Recording |
18 | Tu, irbīte, nezināji | a16 | 08.02.2004 | Recording |
19 | Pi bergica mu khēroro | a15 | 08.02.2004 | Recording |
20 | Vingritu muršōro | a14 | 28.02.2004 | Recording |
# | Title | Year of publication | Type of link | Excerpt |
1 | Līgas vēsts | 1884 | Publishing year/ place | |
2 | Pirmie vizbulīši | 1903 | Publishing year/ place | |
3 | Jūgā | 1913 | Publishing year/ place | |
4 | Baltās naktis | 1913 | Publishing year/ place | |
5 | Pagātnes ēnas | 1913 | Publishing year/ place | |
6 | Putenī | 1913 | Publishing year/ place | |
7 | Zvejniece | 1913 | Publishing year/ place | |
8 | Bētlemes Zvaigzne | 1913 | Publishing year/ place | |
9 | Aiz sniega un tumsas | 1914 | Publishing year/ place | |
10 | Lābana laime | 1914 | Publishing year/ place | |
11 | Pa citu ceļu | 1914 | Publishing year/ place | |
12 | Plašāka darbība | 1914 | Publishing year/ place | |
13 | Vecā saimniece | 1914 | Publishing year/ place | |
14 | Krišs un Jānītis | 1914 | Publishing year/ place | |
15 | Pie jaunas dzīves sliegšņa | 1914 | Publishing year/ place | |
16 | Peldu sezona | 1914 | Publishing year/ place | |
17 | Jāņu nakts | 1914 | Publishing year/ place | |
18 | Lielais Lācis vai Greizrati | 1914 | Publishing year/ place | |
19 | Uz Sibīriju! | 1915 | Publishing year/ place | |
20 | Māte | 1915 | Publishing year/ place |
# | Title | Other names | Organisation type | Time in place | Type of link |
1 | "Bitīte" | Bērnu un jaunības žurnāls "Bitīte" (1913, nr.1) ( Paralēlais ) Bērnu un jaunības laikraksts "Bitīte" (ar 1913, nr. 3/4) ( Paralēlais ) | Periodicals | 00.01.1913 - 00.03.1915 | Location |
2 | "Ventspils Apskata" literāriskais pielikums | Periodicals | Location | ||
3 | I.Turauska privātskola | Schools and pre-schools | Location | ||
4 | Newspaper "Kurzeme" | Periodicals | Location | ||
5 | Laikraksts "Padomju Venta" | Periodicals | Location | ||
6 | Laikraksts "Ventas Balss" | Periodicals | Location | ||
7 | Laikraksts "Ventas Straume" (1911–1914) | Periodicals | Location | ||
8 | Laikraksts "Ventspils Avīze" | Periodicals | Location | ||
9 | Liv Group "Kāndla" | Group | Location | ||
10 | Ventspils 5th Primary School | Organisation | Location | ||
11 | Ventspils jauno literātu apvienība | Professional organisation | Location | ||
12 | Ventspils mūzikas vidusskola | Schools and pre-schools | Location | ||
13 | Ventspils Town 1st 6-year Primary School | Organisation | Location | ||
14 | Ventspils Town 4th Primary School | Organisation | Location | ||
15 | Centre of Etnography and Folklore in Ventspils district | Organisation | Location | ||
16 | Ventspils sieviešu ģimnāzija | Schools and pre-schools | Location | ||
17 | Museum of Teacher's Labour Union in Ventspils | Organisation | Location | ||
18 | Ventspils Worker's Club Ethnographic Group | Group | Location | ||
19 | Ventspils State Vocational School | Organisation | Location |