
Other nameslatgaliski: Bierzpiļs (Paralēlais)
latgaliski: Bierzpilis (Paralēlais)
AddressBērzpils, Bērzpils pagasts, Balvu novads
PrecizitāteKartēts precīzi


Showing 1-20 of 535 items.
#NumberDate of recordingType of linkExcerpt
1#LFK 190, 21926Place and time of recording
2#LFK 190, 381926Place and time of recording
3#LFK 190, 391926Place and time of recording
4#LFK 190, 39a1926Place and time of recording
5#LFK 190, 39b1926Place and time of recording
6#LFK 190, 39c1926Place and time of recording
7#LFK 190, 39d1926Place and time of recording
8#LFK 190, 39e1926Place and time of recording
9#LFK 190, 39f1926Place and time of recording
10#LFK 190, 401926Place and time of recording
11#LFK 190, 411926Place and time of recording
12#LFK 190, 421926Place and time of recording
13#LFK 190, 431926Place and time of recording
14#LFK 190, 441926Place and time of recording
15#LFK 190, 451926Place and time of recording
16#LFK 190, 461926Place and time of recording
17#LFK 190, 471926Place and time of recording
18#LFK 190, 481926Place and time of recording
19#LFK 190, 491926Place and time of recording
20#LFK 190, 501926Place and time of recording
Showing 1-20 of 535 items.
Showing 1-20 of 23 items.
#TitleFile codeDate of recordingType of link
1Aun, meitiņa, boltas kuojas (1933)92Recording
2Juoneit, Juoneit, tu maņ zūbu naruodi (1933)911927Recording
3Nadūd, Dīvs, veitūlam boltim zīdim nūzīdēt (1933)90Recording
4Folkloristu ierašanās pie B. Martuževas, iepazīšanās004.0107001987Recording
5Skalojosi, velējosi004.0109001987Recording
6Kačasteite, garasteite004.0110001987Recording
7Brōlīt, voi nava tev žāl šķiertīs nū dzimtīnas sovas004.0112401987Recording
8Cik lēni, lēni pulkstens zvana004.0119001987Recording
9Kādēļ skumjas tavās acīs šovakar, mans draugs004.0121301987Recording
10B. Martuževa stāsta par nepatikšanām ar padomju varu004.0126001987Recording
11Ak, dzīve zem karogiem sārtiem...004.0126501987Recording
12Stāsta par savu māti, notiesāšanu un izsūtīšanu004.0129001987Recording
13Par kū es na putnis, na tuksnešu ereļs004.0132001987Recording
14Daugaviņa, malnacīte004.0135001987Recording
15Ai, tu zelta lakstīgala004.0139201987Recording
16Zilais lakatiņš004.0140001987Recording
17Stāsta par izsūtīšanu004.0148001987Recording
18Klusi, klusi ratiņš rūc, ceļš uz laimi, vai cik grūts004.0156301987Recording
19Lusteigs es taids pats kai bejis, lai gan drusceņ saļeicis004.0210001987Recording
20Upe nesa ozoliņu004.0211201987Recording
Showing 1-20 of 23 items.
Showing 1-12 of 12 items.
#NameOccupationEvent timeType of linkDescription
1Staņislavs Apšenieks
  • pupil
  • lawyer
06.05.1911Birth time/place
2Petruļa Bačuks
  • folk performer
1892Birth time/place
3Anna BodnieceResidence
4Marcianna Dārzniece
  • folk performer
Birth time/place
5Agnese Garijone
  • publicist
  • educator
  • folklore collector
19.03.1897Birth time/placeDzimusi Bērzpils pagasta "Bērziešos".
6Marciana KindzuleResidence
7Zuzanna Kiukacane
  • folk performer
1879Birth time/place
8Katrīna KubakaResidence
9J. PīternīksResidence
10Agate Repša
  • folk performer
1896Birth time/place
11Izabele Svelpe
  • folk performer
1900Birth time/place
12Marta ŠmiteResidence
Showing 1-12 of 12 items.
Showing 1-9 of 9 items.
#ThumbnailNumberTitleYearImage authorType of imageType of link
1The folklore informant Marciana Kindzule19600005The folklore informant Marciana Kindzule1960ImagePlace
2Student Maija Rudzīte and folklore informant Marciana Kindzule19600006Student Maija Rudzīte and folklore informant Marciana Kindzule1960ImagePlace
3Student Maija Rudzīte and folklore informant Marciana Kindzule19600007Student Maija Rudzīte and folklore informant Marciana Kindzule1960ImagePlace
4Student Skaidrīte Rimša and folklore informant Anna Bodniece19600008Student Skaidrīte Rimša and folklore informant Anna Bodniece1960ImagePlace
5The folklore informant Anna Bodniece19600009The folklore informant Anna Bodniece1960ImagePlace
6The folklore informant Broņislava Romanovska19600010The folklore informant Broņislava Romanovska1960ImagePlace
7The folklore informant Broņislava Romanovska19600011The folklore informant Broņislava Romanovska1960ImagePlace
8Visiting folklore informant Broņislava Romanovska19600012Visiting folklore informant Broņislava Romanovska1960ImagePlace
9The folklore informants Antoņina Logina, Marija Gabrāne and participants of the expedition2050-307The folklore informants Antoņina Logina, Marija Gabrāne and participants of the expedition1988ImagePlace
Showing 1-9 of 9 items.
Showing 1-1 of 1 item.
#TitleOther namesOrganisation typeTime in placeType of link
1Bērzpils etnogrāfiskais ansamblisGroupLocation
Showing 1-1 of 1 item.

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