
Other namesRiktere (Vēsturiskais)
AddressSidgunda, Mālpils pagasts, Mālpils novads
PrecizitāteKartēts ļoti aptuveni
Showing 1-20 of 1,955 items.
#NumberDate of recordingType of linkExcerpt
1#DS 1, 1060-1Place and time of recording
2#DS 1, 19903-2Place and time of recording
3#DS 4, 2275-2Place and time of recording
4#DS 4, 9013-0Place and time of recording
5#DS 4, 10511-0Place and time of recording
6#DS 4, 13041-0Place and time of recording
7#DS 4, 13768-3Place and time of recording
8#DS 4, 14088-1Place and time of recording
9#DS 7, 13787-5Place and time of recording
10#DS 7, 27744-0Place and time of recording
11#DS 8, 2895-1Place and time of recording
12#DS 10, 26-7Place and time of recording
13#DS 10, 26-7Place and time of recording
14#DS 10, 31-4Place and time of recording
15#DS 10, 66-1Place and time of recording
16#DS 10, 66-1Place and time of recording
17#DS 10, 107-1Place and time of recording
18#DS 10, 107-1Place and time of recording
19#DS 10, 107-3Place and time of recording
20#DS 10, 135-1Place and time of recording
Showing 1-20 of 1,955 items.
Showing 1-20 of 54 items.
#TitleFile codeDate of recordingType of link
1Apsedlots zirgs (1928)12031928Recording
2Iededzinu garu skalu (1928)12021928Recording
3Kad es biju jauns puisītis (1928)12011928Recording
4Mani sola tautās doti (1928)12001928Recording
5Ar asarām man dzīve grūta (1928)11991928Recording
6Ardievu, mīļā dzimtene (1928)11981928Recording
7Ak, zelta zīlīt, saki man (1928)11971928Recording
8Visi mani radi raud (1928)11961928Recording
9Krāj, puisīti, tu naudiņu (1928)11951928Recording
10Tautiešam apsolīju (1928)11941928Recording
11Es iemīlēj vien meitiņu (1928)11931928Recording
12Spēlēju, dancoju (1928)11921928Recording
13Krauklīts sēž ozolā (1928)11911928Recording
14Teci rikšus, kumeliņ (1928)11901928Recording
15Skaista puķe kalnā auga (1928)11891928Recording
16Skaista puķe kalnā auga (1928)11881928Recording
17Man ir jāiet (1928)11871928Recording
18Kas ir bijis, tas pagājis (1928)11861928Recording
19Ikkatrs ziedonis vēl gaid' (1928)11851928Recording
20Pie rožu krūma bērziņš (1928)11841928Recording
Showing 1-20 of 54 items.
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
#NameOccupationEvent timeType of linkDescription
1Teodors Kārkluvalks
  • teacher
  • translator
  • writer
  • folklore collector
Working placeStrādājis par palīgskolotāju pie skolotāja Reiznieka Rikterē (mūsdienās Sidgunda).
2Emilija Lase1927 - 1929Residence
3Elvīra Vasiļevska1898Birth time/place
Showing 1-3 of 3 items.
Showing 1-1 of 1 item.
#TitleOther namesOrganisation typeTime in placeType of link
1Sidgunda 6-year Primary SchoolOrganisationLocation
Showing 1-1 of 1 item.

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