Sīktēls | Numurs | Krājums | Iestāde | Valodas | Gads | @@@@ | Īss apraksts | Iesūtītājs | Faili | Progress | |
1 | LFK | Bauņi Mīlīte Primary School | lv | 1924-1940 | Collection of Bauņi Mīlītes Primary School | Folklore materials collected by school children of Bauņi Mīlīte Primary School in Northern Vidzeme from 1920 to 1940s. Legends, folk tales, riddles, folksongs, beliefs, as well as swear words and other genres, some drawings also included. | Eduards Grinbergs | 492 | |||
2 | LFK | Cesvaine Secondary School | lv | 1925-1938 | Collection of Cesvaine Secondary School | Cesvaines vidusskolas (ģimnāzijas) vākums, ko 1920. gados organizējusi skolotāja Marija Bērzkalne. | Marija Bērzkalne | 647 | |||
3 | LFK | Garoza Primary School | lv | 1925-1926 | Collection of Garoza Primary School | 1925.-1926. gadā Garozas 6 klašu pamatskolas skolēni skolotājas H. Beikovskas vadībā iesūtījuši 2988 folkloras vienības. Pierakstīts plašā teritorijā ap Jelgavu, Garozu u.c., kā arī Bauskā, Rīgā, Smiltenē, Valkā, Iecavā un citviet. | 389 | ||||
4 | LFK | Irlava Primary School | lv | 1926-1929 | Collection of Irlava Primary School | In 1926 and 1929, under the guidance of teacher U. Gulbis, pupils of the Irlava primary school collected 1702 folklore units in total. | 348 | ||||
5 | LFK | Kalns Primary School in Lejasciems | lv | 1925 | Collection of Kalns Primary School in Lejasciems | Folklore materials from Kalns Primary School in Lejasciems parish, collected by pupils from 1924 to 1925. Submitted by teacher K. Knaps. 115 in total - folksongs and popular songs, album rhymes, games, sayings, charms. | K. Knaps | 49 | |||
6 | LFK | Klostere Primary School | lv | 1925-1931 | Collection of Klostere Primary School | Folklore materials collected by pupils of Klostere Primary School. Submitted by school principal and teacher Vilis Pantelovičs from 1925 to 1931. Folksongs and popular songs, children rhymes, beliefs and traditions, and other genres. 384 folklore units in total. | Vilis Pantelovičs | 141 | |||
7 | LFK | Karva Primary School | lv | 1923-1924 | Collection of Karva Primary School | Folklore of Karva parish in Northern Latvia, collected from 1922 to 1924. Submitted by Karva Primary School teacher Oto Tīmanis. Legends, folksongs and popular songs, rhymes, animal language, proverbs, and other genres. 115 folklore units in total. | Otto Timans | 81 | |||
8 | LFK | Lielauce Primary School | lv, ru, de | 1925-1937 | Collection of Lielauce Primary School | Herta Lūse | 904 | ||||
9 | LFK | Otaņķi Primary School | lv | 1924 | Collection of Otaņķi Primary School | Folklore, collected by five pupils of Otaņķi Primary School in 1924. Folksongs and popular songs, children rhymes and games, various sayings, in total 554 folklore units. | K. Līcis | 58 | |||
10 | LFK | Ape Primary School | lv | 1924-1927 | Collection of Ape Primary School | Apes pamatskolas skolēnu no 1925. līdz 1929. gadam savāktie folkloras materiāli Apē, Alūksnē, Jaunlaicenes pagastā, Korvas pagastā, Jaunrozes pagastā, Veclaicenes pagastā un citviet. Latviešu folkloras krātuvei materiālus iesūtījis skolotājs Ed. Voss. Kopā 4831 folkloras vienība. | Ed. Voss | 1007 | |||
11 | LFK | Pilskalne Primary School | lv | 1925-1928 | Collection of Pilskalne Primary School | Folklore materials, collected by pupils of Pilskalne (Ludvigova) Primary School from 1925 to 1927, submitted by teacher O. Timāns. In total, 29 folklore units: folksongs and popular songs, beliefs, proverbs, album rhymes, folk tales and legends, ghost stories, etc. | Otto Timans | 55 | |||
12 | LFK | Ūziņi Primary School | lv | 1925-1932 | Collection of Ūziņi Primary School | Folklore materials, collected by pupils of Ūziņi Primary School from 1925 to 1933. Additional materials were submitted also in 1953. The collection includes 2697 folklore units, such as folk tales, riddles, folk songs and popular songs, proverbs, beliefs, games, and other genres. | Kārlis Butāns | 468 | |||
13 | LFK | Vecpils Primary School | lv, lt | 1928-1939 | Collection of Vecpils Primary School | Vecpils pamatskolas skolēnu folkloras vākums no 1925. gada līdz 1939. gadam. Kopā 5276 folkloras vienības, tostarp mīklas, tautasdziesmas, ziņģes, skaitāmie panti, albuma panti, ticējumi, teikas un pasakas, nostāsti, sakāmvārdi un daudzi citi žanri. | P. Bušvehters | 998 | |||
14 | LFK | Valka 1st Primary School | lv | 1925 | Collection of Valka 1st Primary School | Valkas 1. pamatskolas skolēnu folkloras vākums, ko 1925. gadā LFK iesūtījusi skolotāja H. Baune. Tautasdziesmas, ziņģes, ticējumi, sakāmvārdi, mīklas parunas un citi žanri, kopā 95 manuskripta attēli. | Helēna Baune | 116 | |||
15 | LFK | Barisi Primary School near Nirza | lv, lg | 1925-1930 | Collection of Barisi Primary School | 327 | |||||
16 | LFK | Lucāni Primary School | lv, lg | 1925 | Collection of Lucāni Primary School | 123 | |||||
17 | LFK | Riga 2nd Secondary School | lv, ru | 1925-1993 | Collection of Riga Secondary School No. 2 | One of the largest collections of the Archives of Latvian Folklore with 31 274 folklore units altogether. The collection was created by schooldchildren of Riga Secondary School No. 2 as a part of their learning programme (mostly from 1922 to 1944). | T. Priede, Anna Bērzkalne | 8490 | |||
18 | LFK | lv | 1925 | Collection of E. Anševics in Kuldīga | 1925. gadā E. Anševics iesūtījis mīklas, tautasdziesmas un ziņģes - 138 folkloras vienības no Kuldīgas apkārtnes. | E. Anševics | 9 | ||||
19 | LFK | Barisi Primary School near Nirza | lv, lg | 1925 | Collection of Barisi Primary School | Barisu 1. pakāpes pamatskolas pārzinis Aleksejs Barkāns 1925. gadā iesūtījis mīklas, tautasdziesmas un bērnu dziesmas, skaitāmos pantus. Kopā 39 folkloras vienības. | Aleksejs Barkāns | 18 | |||
20 | LFK | lv | 1925 | Collection of songs by Lavīze Balode | Kolekciju 1925. gadā iesūtījusi Lavīze Balode, kura pierakstījusi 7 tautas dziesmas, 24 ziņģes, divus bērnu skaitāmos pantus un paražas aprakstu no Idus un Rencēnu apkārtnes. | Lavīze Balode | 17 |