| ENLI | Johann Gottfried von Herder's Collection of Latvian Folksongs | 1 | Manuskripts | 01-SBB-Herders-21 | lv, de | | Jā | Nē | |
| ENLI | Johann Gottfried von Herder's Collection of Latvian Folksongs | 1 | Manuskripts | 01-SBB-Herders-22 | lv, de | | Jā | Nē | |
| ENLI | Johann Gottfried von Herder's Collection of Latvian Folksongs | 1 | Manuskripts | 01-SBB-Herders-23 | lv, de | | Jā | Nē | |
| ENLI | Johann Gottfried von Herder's Collection of Latvian Folksongs | 1 | Manuskripts | 01-SBB-Herders-24 | de | | Jā | Nē | |
| ENLI | Johann Gottfried von Herder's Collection of Latvian Folksongs | 1 | Manuskripts | 01-SBB-Herders-25 | lv, de | | Jā | Nē | |
| ENLI | Johann Gottfried von Herder's Collection of Latvian Folksongs | 1 | Manuskripts | 01-SBB-Herders-26 | lv, de | | Jā | Nē | |
| ENLI | Johann Gottfried von Herder's Collection of Latvian Folksongs | 1 | Manuskripts | 01-SBB-Herders-27 | lv, de | | Jā | Nē | |
| ENLI | Johann Gottfried von Herder's Collection of Latvian Folksongs | 1 | Manuskripts | 01-SBB-Herders-28 | de | | Jā | Nē | |
| ENLI | Johann Gottfried von Herder's Collection of Latvian Folksongs | 1 | Manuskripts | 01-SBB-Herders-29 | lv | | Jā | Nē | |
| ENLI | Johann Gottfried von Herder's Collection of Latvian Folksongs | 1 | Manuskripts | 01-SBB-Herders-30 | lv | | Jā | Nē | |
| ENLI | Johann Gottfried von Herder's Collection of Latvian Folksongs | 1 | Manuskripts | 01-SBB-Herders-31 | lv, de | | Jā | Nē | |
| ENLI | Johann Gottfried von Herder's Collection of Latvian Folksongs | 1 | Manuskripts | 01-SBB-Herders-32 | lv, de | | Jā | Nē | |
| ENLI | Gustav Bergmann printing press | 1001 | Darbs | 1290767-01v-Geschichte-von-Livland | lv | | Nē | Nē | |
| ENLI | Gustav Bergmann printing press | 1001 | Darbs | Screen Shot 2019-04-07 at 15.21 | lv | | Nē | Nē | |
| ENLI | Gustav Bergmann printing press | 1001 | Darbs | Screen Shot 2019-04-07 at 15.21 | lv | | Nē | Nē | |
| ENLI | Gustav Bergmann printing press | 1001 | Darbs | Screen Shot 2019-04-07 at 15.44 | lv | | Nē | Nē | |
| ENLI | Gustav Bergmann printing press | 1001 | Darbs | IMG_4819 2 | lv | | Nē | Nē | |
| ENLI | Gustav Bergmann printing press | 1001 | Darbs | Dionīsija_Fabrīcija_hronikas_otrais_izdevums | lv | | Nē | Nē | |
| ENLI | Gustav Bergmann printing press | 1001 | Darbs | IMG_3284 | lv | | Nē | Nē | |
| ENLI | Gustav Bergmann printing press | 1001 | Darbs | IMG_4819 | lv | | Nē | Nē | |