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Näitan 22 üksusest 1-20.
#NumberPierakstīšanas laiksSaistījuma tipsTeksta fragments
1#LFK 1758, 190Place and time of recording
2#LFK 1758, 191Place and time of recording
3#LFK 1758, 191aPlace and time of recording
4#LFK 1758, 192Place and time of recording
5#LFK 1758, 193Place and time of recording
6#LFK 1758, 194Place and time of recording
7#LFK 1758, 195Place and time of recording
8#LFK 1758, 196Place and time of recording
9#LFK 1758, 197Place and time of recording
10#LFK 1758, 198Place and time of recording
11#LFK 1758, 199Place and time of recording
12#LFK 1758, 200Place and time of recording
13#LFK 1758, 201Place and time of recording
14#LFK 1758, 202Place and time of recording
15#LFK 1758, 203Place and time of recording
16#LFK 1758, 204Place and time of recording
17#LFK 1758, 205Place and time of recording
18#LFK 1758, 206Place and time of recording
19#LFK 1758, 207Place and time of recording
20#LFK 1758, 208Place and time of recording
Näitan 22 üksusest 1-20.
Näitan 1 üksusest 1-1.
#NimiNodarbošanāsNotikuma laiksSaistījuma tipsKirjeldus
1Teodors Prūsis
  • omanik
  • folk performer
Näitan 1 üksusest 1-1.

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